共為你找到:130筆any video converter 剪辑 相關企業資訊
本公司從事多媒體影音產品研發設計,以創新、高品質、價格實在的產品滿足客戶需求。現在是資訊科技時代,資訊科技縮短了人與人的距離,也增進了生活的效益與效率。為因應市場需求,汎惪不斷開發新產品,並提供最佳服務,也因此得以領先群雄,成為多媒體及資訊傳輸產品製造商中的佼佼者。 成立於1995年,汎惪在十幾年的迅速擴張下,以紮實完整的實務經驗及卓越超群的研發團隊,為客戶量身訂做了一系列產品。其中,以特殊應用積體電路系統(ASIC)所研發之第一代行動多媒體轉檔軟體(Video Converter)聞名於世。目前,本公司以台灣為研發、製造、行銷、及技術支援中心,同時更具備全球行銷通路。汎惪的研發能力優越,品管嚴格,價格合理、交貨迅速,能使客戶獲得最滿意的服務。
Since the first introduction of our POS monitor to the worldwide monitor market in 1993, we Acula have committed ourselves to be a leading world-class VIDEO SOLUTION provider in the Video Product market. Now, besides POS monitors series, we have successfully developed a wide variety of video product series for different applications such as Industrial application, Security application and...etc. For POS and Industrial CRT product series, we now have 15 models available. These products are mainly used in POS, ATM, CNC machining, and Video Gaming areas. Talking about LCD product series, we have a whole range starting from 10.4 up to 19 models. As a matter of fact, we can provide Metal Frame types, and Plastic Casing types. They are mainly for POS, Industrial applications and...etc. Deserving of naming, no matter CRT or LCD monitor series, both they can become TOUCH MONITORS after the integration with touch panels. Thanks to the continuous supporting from our customers, Acula has win recognition as a world-class supplier of Video Solution Products. To sum up, with the strong RD team, we Acula can design any special Video products to meet any unique requirements. If you want any kind of Video products, please contact us; we always offer the products at high quality, reasonable price and prompt delivery.
We have our offices both in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Dongguang, China to keep closer eyes and act as your representative from sourcing, developing, ordering, quality controlling to shipping. With over 20 years experience in furniture and related industry, we can assist you to evaluate factories and suggest you the most suitable and reliable ones for you to develop any OEM projects, placing orders, inspection, and shipping..etc. We follow up on the whole process for you to make your procurement in Taiwan and China more efficient and easier! Nevertheless, the services scope can be tailored as per your needs, we also welcome our clients to communicate with the manufacturers directly.
In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
王記電子公司是台灣少數取得DVD (VIDEO & AUDIO) 所有認證的專業製造商, 所有的產品均在台灣研發製造, 獲得國內外不少AV知名廠商的青睞, 專營高級音響、專業擴大機、DVD、CD及有關電子工業配件之製造、加工、批發、零售。以OEM, ODM 為主. 歡迎具有專業知識之人才, 加入我們的團隊.
認識我們:專業 用心 服務熱忱 Hi-Fi & Hi-vision視聽名品物流中心(audio & video)
Since 1955, we have been providing complex plastics manufacturing solutions to the world’s most successful companies. Today we are a $1.1 billion global plastics leader serving the Healthcare, Packaging and Consumer Electronics industries, along with additional markets through our strategic companies. We have over 17,000 Nypro team members at 44 locations in 15 countries, all dedicated to satisfying your requirements. As one of the largest employee-owned companies in the world, we are committed to assuring that our customers receive the attention and results they need - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our people have the knowledge, creativity, expertise and, most importantly, the passion and empowerment to help you do anything with plastics. Please look around our website and contact us if you would like to learn more about any of our full-service offerings.
Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) 遠昇科技 (www.adbglobal.com) 是一家提供數位電視系統與互動電視軟體解決方案的領導供應商。遠昇科技成立於1995年,自1997推出首台機上盒至今,已累積出貨超過1500萬台到全球各地,擁有完整而豐富的技術整合經驗與實力,包括與各種不同中介軟體(middleware)、鎖碼系統(conditional access)與硬體規範。 有別於國內一般代工生產數位機上盒大廠,ADB遠昇科技專注創新技術的研發與行銷,其所設計的產品,素來被傳播界公認為現今與未來新世代數位廣播領域中的翹楚,並屢獲全球最具公信力之Cable & Satellite/Mediacast「年度最佳產品」獎項的肯定。尤其在數位電視開放標準(MHP, ATSC, ACAP, OCAP, DOCSIS, AVC/VC-1, etc.)、Digital Video Recording、高畫質(High Definition, HD)、3D、IPTV等熱門領域,ADB充分掌握未來發展的關鍵技術與資源。最近更獲得IMS Research研究機構選為「 2009 電視發明獎」殊榮。 ADB全球總員工數約850人,其中以研發工程師約佔70%,總部設在瑞士,並在台灣、印度、以色列、義大利、烏克蘭、波蘭、西班牙、英國以及美國等地都設有營運據點。展望未來亞洲數位電視市場的蓬勃發展,ADB決定擴充其在台灣的研發與業務實力。我們客戶導向的品管、效能與創新,是重視市場差異化及加值服務電視業者的最好選擇。歡迎國內對數位電視發展有興趣的菁英人士加入我們的研發團隊,與ADB共同打造、分享互動數位電視創造的無限可能。 FIFTEEN MILLION NEW GENERATION DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES SHIPPED!!!! Come and join the Digital Television Revolution: ADB is Asia-Pacific’s Number One supplier of digital TV system and interactive digital TV software technology. Middleware, Conditional Access, T-Mail, E-Commerce, EPG, Games, hardware standard, and much more---- That is what we are developing in our R & D Centre. ADB not only possesses the key technique in the realm of MHP、 ATSC、 ACAP、 OCAP、 DOCSIS、 AVC/VC-1、Digital Video Recording、High Definition, HD、3D、IPTV,… etc. but was also crowned "TV INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR" at the 2009 TV Innovation Awards by IMS research in the US. Successful candidates will enjoy exciting jobs in the environment of this 21st century multinational technology company, excellent compensation package plus extensive international exposure, intensive training and stock options. We are looking for dedicated professionals to Join Our Asia Pacific Region.
RFID Finger Print Access Control , Time Attendance, Serial converter , accessories.
成立二十年, 客戶群為台灣,越南及中國之前兩千大企業或上市上櫃公司及全球化之海外國際公司 提供客戶全球化之解決方案「隨處可得,無所不在」的 “4平台 加 ESM 網管”五大主軸: 全球化voice IP語音架構, 全球化視訊整合架構, 全球廣域網絡整合, 安全網路的服務及溝通平台(Communication & Contact) 與 數據應用架構 (Data Interaction) 。 本公司之設計、技術、顧問及整合業務聚焦在中、大型公司,企業、集團客戶之商業應用方案,客戶全球化下舉凡電信服務 Telecom、Voice、Video、Data、Security及Network Management跨國多點網管系統的核心整合技術。 銷售及代理產品全為全球網路知名品牌之尖端技術、功能、設備亦是商業合作夥伴Business Alliance & Partner 與銷售服務,如Avaya、Aruba、Cisco、Extreme juniper、Fluke、Microsoft…等20多家知名設備廠商引領全球科技風潮,除銷售設計外,更能提供跨國多點之國際端服務及商業模式之建置與運轉服務. 目前在加拿大, 美國舊金山; 台北, 上海, 深圳, 東莞, 福州; 越南胡志明及首都河內 多個國家有分公司及服務據點.
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